AMS Paul A. Pisk Prize

The Paul A. Pisk Prize is awarded annually to a graduate music student for a scholarly paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society. Any paper presentation by a graduate student that is accepted for inclusion in the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society is eligible for the Pisk Prize. Eligible papers include those accepted by the AMS Program Committee, AMS Committee on the Annual Meeting and Public Events, or that appear on an AMS Study Group/Committee-sponsored session. Anyone who is a graduate student at the time of submission is eligible, even if the degree is completed by the time the paper is presented.

Students whose presentations have been accepted by SEM or SMT committees are advised to apply to the paper prizes sponsored by those societies.

DEADLINE EXTENDED:  Apply by 11:59pm ET, 11 September 2022.

Materials for the applicant to submit:

  • Required: text of the paper, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, using endnotes, not footnotes, in PDF format. Please exclude/remove your institutional affiliation from this document.
  • Required: verification of student status as of 15 February 2021. This may be provided either by 1) uploading proof of enrollment from your institution’s registrar or 2) requesting affirmation from an authorized person within your department, such as the chair, your academic advisor, or director of graduate studies. A reference request feature is included in the application form that will ask for the name and email of the authorized person.
  • If applicable: include the timing for each audio/video example with the callouts in the body of the paper.
  • If applicable: include visual materials (Powerpoint, images, etc.) in PDF format. Please exclude/remove your institutional affiliation from all supporting materials, including the slideshow.
  • If applicable: include audio files in MP3 format.

Note: You are welcome to include your name on all materials outlined above, but please remove/exclude your institutional affiliation from these materials for the purpose of this application.

The application deadline is final, and no extensions may be granted. If technical questions regarding electronic submission arise, please communicate with the AMS office well in advance of the deadline.

The Pisk Prize Committee evaluates the submissions as papers to be read at the Annual Meeting rather than as articles to be published. (Notes, bibliography, and any other scholarly apparatus, though not forbidden, will not be a prime consideration of the evaluation. For this reason, principal intellectual debts should be acknowledged in the body of the paper.)

The winner receives a monetary prize and a certificate, as well as recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Society.